During the day, most 3-year-olds have good bladder control. However, nighttime control can take longer to achieve and many children only reach this milestone by the time they are 5. By age 6, one in ten children still have bedwetting issues.
A.Vogel Urinary Tract experts look at bedwetting and recommends solutions to help you. There's also a Q&A service where you can get answers to all your questions.
In some children, mostly boys, the urinary tract simply takes more time to come to maturity. Usually, this situation is rooted in a family history of bedwetting.
When a child wets his bed on and off, with long periods without any “accidents”, the issue is then linked to stress.
Bedwetting every night may be a sign of food intolerance. Juices can be a source of bladder irritation, especially orange, apple, grapefruit, pineapple and grape juice. Other foods likely to cause the problem are: dairy products from the cow, wheat, corn, soy, eggs and tomatoes.
Finally, hypoglycemia can induce such a deep sleep that the child’s brain does not register the need to urinate before it’s too late. Rarely do diabetes, urinary tract infections or a physical anomaly cause bedwetting.
To prevent “accidents”, avoid all liquids after supper. It is better to drink a lot of water earlier in the day to reduce thirst at night.
To check for food intolerance, cut all the suspected foods, especially dairy products. It is also recommended to avoid soft drinks, chocolate, refined carbohydrates and food containing colorants.
Include vitamin B2 and B5 in the diet with foods such as bee pollen, brewer’s yeast, soaked nuts, spirulina and any kind of sprout.
To minimize the effects of hypoglycemia, limit the intake of carbohydrates to small quantities of whole carbohydrates and always combine them to a portion of protein (ex. chicken, fish, legumes, nuts and seeds).
To calm the nervous system and reduce the impact of stress on the body, Avenaforce from A.Vogel is excellent.
Stinging Nettle from A.Vogel is rich in silica, one of the minerals that can help strengthen bladder sphincters and the whole urinary tract. This diuretic plant helps to dilute urine making it less irritating. The bladder can then contain more urine before having to eliminate. Taken during the day, Stinging Nettle supports proper kidney function, reducing the risk of bladder irritation during the night. To benefit fully of its effects, avoid taking Stinging Nettle after supper.
Finally, Molkosan can reduce food intolerances and alkalinize the body (which makes urine less irritating). Molkosan can be taken in water or vegetable juice once or twice per day.
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