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Videos about Alfred Vogel and the A.Vogel brand

There are numerous historic photos, speeches and films of Alfred Vogel (1902-1996) Watch three original films dating from the 1970s (in German) showing the pioneer of natural health delivering one of his many speeches, skiing and hiking.

About A.Vogel

A short video showing what the A.Vogel health brand stands for.

A.Vogel’s guide health and happy life

Animated video on good health and personal harmony.

Back to nature

Alfred Vogel delivering a speech (starts in English, then goes into German).

Alfred Vogel skiing

Alfred Vogel loved nature and was a passionate skier.

Alfred Vogel hiking

Even at a grand old age, Alfred Vogel would go on dare-devil climbing expeditions.

Alfred Vogel was also an exceptionally gifted and inspiring speaker

Alfred Vogel often spoke effortlessly for two to three hours. His talks were a fascinating experience, with striking examples and accounts from his personal experiences with a wide variety of health conditions. These events were often attended by as many as 1,000 people. (This part is only available in German)

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