Messed-up Hormones or Harmonious Menopause?

Menopause is a period in a woman’s life when her body undergoes many significant changes.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Sonia Chartier

02 March 2014

But assuming that everything is normal, there are a few remarkably effective home remedies you might want to try…

Though it’s often perceived as a disease, the real purpose of menopause is simply to prevent pregnancy at a time in a woman’s life when her body no longer has the capacity to support such a transformation.

The symptoms of menopause are only felt if there is an imbalance in the body. But with today’s hectic pace of life and high levels of stress, 88% of North American women suffer from menopause’s most prevalent symptom: the famous “hot flashes.” 

Natural Remedies for Hot Flashes

Natural herbal remedies can be powerful aids to support reduction of hot flashes during menopause, especially plants such as dong quai, black cohosh, wild yam and chaste tree (vitex) which act on the ovaries to regulate hormone levels during pre-menopause.

One of the most effective plants is vitex, because it helps balance levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. A.Vogel’s Vitex is made from vitex and offered in liquid form, making it easier to assimilate. It also has more active ingredients than products prepared using dried plants.

When hot flashes are particularly intense during perimenopause or menopause, it’s important to quickly find solutions for relief. Women whose sleep is affected by these hot flashes have much less energy and this can have a negative impact on their personal and professional lives.

In this case, it’s recommended that they take A.Vogel’s Menopause, a natural remedy for menopause made from sage. According to clinical studies, this plant can reduce the number of hot flashes by 50% in four weeks. It also significantly reduces the severity of hot flashes.

If results are slow in coming, it may be necessary to nourish the thyroid, a gland closely associated with the reproductive system (in fact, most cases of hypothyroidism are detected during menopause). By stimulating the thyroid gland, A.Vogel’s Thyroid Support helps prevent thyroid problems.

When Menstruation Becomes Irregular & Stops Altogether

When menstruation becomes irregular and eventually stops altogether, it’s time to transition into other natural remedies once the ovaries no longer play an important role. This is when the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis or “stress axis” has to take over to ensure the adequate production of hormones post-menopause.

Flowering oats calm the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, reducing mental hyperactivity and promoting better sleep. Magnesium is an important muscle relaxant that has a very calming effect on the nervous system and supports healthy adrenal functioning.

MenoSupport Complex is a combination product consisting of magnesium, hibiscus, and soy. It has been on the market in the UK for over 8 years with a strong following due to its resounding success in helping women across the country reduce their menopausal symptoms.

The isoflavones in soy have historically helped women to mitigate the impacts of declining estrogen including hot flashes, bone degeneration, menstrual migraines, mood swings, and other difficult menopausal symptoms.

As you can see, ladies, there are many tools available to help you eliminate most of the undesirable symptoms of menopause so that it doesn’t have to be a painful time in your life.  Relax, breathe, and enjoy this next stage of your life. 

A.Vogel MenoForce

A.Vogel MenoForce Hot Flashes - Night Sweats

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Helps to relieve menopausal symptoms associated with menopause (such as hot flashes, difficulty …
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