7 Harmful Effects of Coffee on Your Body

Coffee and Your Body

Circulation | Digestion | Stress and sleep

Sonia Chartier

15 March 2014

Are you one who can’t start your day without coffee?  It has almost become a tradition to start your day off with a coffee, but being aware of how it has an impact on your body is definitely important.

It’s time to educate yourself on the effects of high doses of caffeine on your system.

7 Harmful Effects of Coffee on Your Body

1. Decreased iron absorption

The presence of tannin in coffee may reduce the absorption of iron in foods when you drink coffee during a meal.

2. Aggravates osteoporosis

Coffee is bad for bone health. Heavy coffee consumption has a significant diuretic effect and, as such, increases the depletion of minerals from your body, including calcium. Vitamin D is extremely important in fighting decalcification, particularly for those who drink large amounts of coffee.

3. Difficulty sleeping

Drinking coffee too late in the day can affect the quality of your sleep and cause insomnia. The effects of caffeine take six hours to wear off.

4. Irritability and agitation

Excessive amounts of caffeine stimulate the nervous system, which can cause irritability, anxiety, agitation, headaches, palpitations and dizziness.

5. Acid reflux

Coffee’s acidity causes acid reflux or heartburn in many people.

6. High blood pressure

People who suffer from hypertension are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine and experience an increase in blood pressure.

7. Addictiveness & Coffee Alternatives

We have the impression that coffee gives us energy, but when the caffeine leaves our body, we actually have less energy and can become moodier. So we drink another cup. It’s a vicious cycle.

Would you like to reduce your coffee intake?

We suggest Bambu®. Bambu® is a caffeine-free, 100% organic coffee substitute. Even the most die-hard coffee-lovers agree: it’s an excellent alternative to coffee. One sip and you’ll be convinced!

To reduce your coffee consumption gradually, make a cup with half Bambu and half your regular coffee.

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