Fortunately, heel spurs can be managed with appropriate dietary and lifestyles changes.
Read below to learn more about signs and symptoms of heel spurs and what you can do for relief.
This outgrowth is actually a calcium deposit that can happen when the bones in the foot are subjected to a constant stress such as high heels, obesity or flat feet.
The calcium deposit does not cause any discomfort until it is large enough to cause a deformity. The surrounding tissues can then become inflamed and very painful.
The pain is felt in the heel spur area and is most intense after long periods of rest (ex. in the morning) or during activities such as walking or running.
There are two types of heel spurs:
Pain results from inflammation and is not to be taken lightly. Pain is the body’s mean to signal some distress; if inflammation is a fire, then pain is the smoke.
Analgesics mask the pain, allowing inflammation to continue with the same intensity, damaging tissues even more.
A strong, fibrous and rigid ligament called plantar fascia supports the arch of the foot. It connects the heel bone to the base of your toes.
An inflammation of this ligament is called plantar fasciitis and may be caused by a mechanical issue or an improper weight distribution in the foot.
Repetitive movements such as walking and running stretch the plantar fascia continuously and can cause small tears in this rigid ligament, leading to inflammation and pain.
The goal is to reduce inflammation and reduce the crystallised deposits that can damage joints ligaments.
6-step plan for healthy joints, tendons and ligaments
Generally, a vegetarian diet can be beneficial since our body produces less arachidonic acid, an inflammatory substance, than with a non-vegetarian diet.
Since a vegetarian diet is not suitable for everyone, it is easier to keep with the following user-friendly fundamental principal for musculoskeletal problems: eat less acid forming food and more alkaline food. This will help decrease the amount of deposit forming acid residues in the joints.
Avoid or reduce your consumption of:
Increase your intake of:
Acid Forming Food
Low acid foods (almost neutral)
Alkaline forming food
Low alkaline forming food (almost neutral)
It is now recognised that lifestyle is key for the efficacy of the immune system and the reduction of inflammation.
Stress management is important but so is sleep and regular exercise. Exercises that do not put pressure the plantar fascia include swimming, yoga and tai chi.
Topical application of Absolüt Arnica Gel helps to reduce inflammation in joints and muscles. Arnica has recently been recognized as one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory plants. Unlike most arnica gels on the market, Absolüt Arnica is an herbal concentrate and not a homeopathic formula. Its high concentration of sesquiterpenes lactones explains its strong anti-inflammatory properties. A comparative study between Absolüt Arnica gel and Europe’s best selling Ibuprofen gel shows that Absolüt Arnica gel is just as effective to reduce pain without the side effects.
Stinging Nettle is a plant with excellent cleansing properties, especially for the elimination of acid wastes such as uric acid. It also contains a lot of silica, an essential mineral for the proper distribution of calcium, reduction of calcium deposits and regeneration of damaged connective tissues (such as tendons and ligaments). Ideal for issues such as stones, spurs, arthritis, rheumatism, tendonitis, bursitis and gout
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