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Men’s health: keeping a close eye on 7 pitfalls

« I am not sick, therefore I am healthy ». This, in a nutshell, sums up most men’s attitude regarding their health. The statement is true…until proven otherwise.

Regardless of their age, men do not worry about prevention nearly as much as women do. This state of mind usually changes after the first encounter with a health issue. It would, however, be wiser to start looking out for oneself before a problem arises! The typical lifestyle of the modern man is characterized by being sedentary, stressed, and hurried. Those three words summarize an array of habits that over time, have a huge impact on health.

An ounce (or two) of prevention helps to avoid the pitfalls of hair loss; prostate problems; cholesterol; diabetes; heart disease; colorectal cancer and osteoporosis. Wouldn’t you rather an apple and a bike ride with your family?

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