This kind of hernia is the result of the weakening of the diaphragm’s connective tissues around the oesophagus, widening the aperture.
When the gap is too wide, the oesophagus can slide up and pull the stomach upward where it gets stuck in the hiatus. In some cases, the oesophagus stays in place but part of the stomach bulges up next to it.
In this abnormal position, the valve between the oesophagus and the stomach becomes weak allowing stomach acid to reflux in the oesophagus.
People who have such a hernia suffer from heartburn and belching after meals.
Lying down after a meal aggravates the heartburn.
Eat sufficient fibres from fruits, vegetables and whole grains (avoid white flour and white rice)
Alcohol, coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods increase the secretion of stomach acid, and aggravate heartburn pain.
Chewing properly will reduce digestion time in the stomach as well as acid secretion. Indeed, foods that are not chewed properly require more stomach acid to be digested.
Once a hernia is formed, surgery is the only way of repairing it. However, making digestion easier can significantly relieve symptoms.
Molkosan from A.Vogel is a very good start to help rebalance digestive functions.
It is also important to support normal liver function for proper fat digestion and gastric acid production (needed for protein digestion).
Stress, alcohol, medication, processed foods, lack of dietary fibres combined to environmental pollution are unduly detrimental to liver health.
Some of the symptoms of an overloaded liver resemble those of a hiatus hernia. They are: reflux, indigestion, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, coated tongue, bad breath, yellow complexion, brown spots on the skin, dizzy spells, light sleep, lack of energy and/or soreness around the liver and below the right shoulder blade.
To activate the process of liver detoxification and thus improve digestion, some herbals can be useful. Boldocynara is a unique complex containing artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion, boldo and peppermint. Those plants are very effective to stimulate bile production and toxin elimination. They also help with cell regeneration. Studies have shown milk thistle’s toning and healing effect on the liver.
N.B. People who have never done a liver detox should start with a reduced dosage, using the liquid formula, to avoid the discomforts linked to sudden cleansing (headache, diarrhea, nausea). In case of a severe or old liver problem, a long-term treatment of milk thistle could be beneficial. As a preventative measure, a seasonal course of Boldocynara can be done in the spring and the fall.
This liver cleanse formula is a combination of Artichoke, Milk thistle, Boldo and Dandelion. A.Vogel Boldocynara is valuable when fat digestion is a problem. Improves digestion by increasing bile secretion.
“it is a start”
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