Our experts explore causes, symptoms and lifestyle changes for gallstones, as well as recommend the best herbal remedies available. You can also use our Q&A service to ask a question about gallstones.
Gallstones occur because of a poor diet and a sluggish liver.
They are more likely to form when bile production is insufficient and when the bile stays in the gallbladder long enough to thicken.
A blockage near the end of the bile duct is the most frequent cause of acute pancreatitis.
The usual symptoms are:
Vitamin E and Vitamin C help prevent gallstone development because of their antioxidant action that contributes to the decrease the blood-cholesterol levels.
Lecithin, found in soybean products such as tofu, is an essential ingredient of bile and emulsifies fatty substances.
When having a gallstones attack it is very important to quickly consult a doctor to make sure that there no rupture, which can be life threatening.
During an attack, avoid solid food and drink distilled, reversed-osmosis or spring water and apple or beet juice. When the attack is passed, slowly start on solid foods, beginning with grated raw apple and beets. A tablespoon of cold pressed olive oil can help to keep the ducts lubrified and reduce risks of blockage.
Some people pass small gallstones by alternating a lemon juice- Epson salt mix and cold pressed olive oil, followed by with hot cup of bitter herb tea such as yarrow, wormwood, chamomile or barberry. For this to be effective, bowels must be empty. Caution should be exercised because if the gallstones are big, they can rupture the gallbladder or a bile duct.
If gallstones are larger it is very important to follow your doctors recommendations to avoid severe complications.
Medical treatment includes surgical removal of the gallbladder, oral dissolution therapy (by medication: ursodiol), contact dissolution therapy (by medication: methyl tert-butyl ether or MTBE) and extracorporeal biliary lithotripsy (the breaking up of the stones through sound waves).
It is important to consider all options because removal of the gallbladder can cause permanent digestive upsets.
Once the gallstones are eliminated or the gallbladder removed it is important maintain the liver in optimal condition to either minimize the risks of recurrence or compensate for the absence of gallbladder.
Stress, alcohol, medication, excess of processed foods and a lack of dietary fibers are unduly detrimental to liver health. An inadequate amount of fibers reduces the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins, since fibers transport toxic substances out of the
Half a lemon freshly squeezed in a cup of hot water every morning helps the liver to eliminate toxins. A small glass of fresh carrot juice also helps. Diaphragmatic breathing promotes better oxygenation of the liver. Rest and regular exercise are also an essential part of the program.
To activate the process of liver detoxification, a few good herbs can be useful. Boldocynara is a unique complex containing artichoke, milk thistle, dandelion, boldo and peppermint. Those plants are very effective to stimulate bile production and toxin elimination. A 2-month treatment can reduce liver congestion, and a seasonal course can be used for prevention. However, if the gallbladder was removed, it is important to start taking this remedy slowly, with a reduced dosage.
This liver cleanse formula is a combination of Artichoke, Milk thistle, Boldo and Dandelion. A.Vogel Boldocynara is valuable when fat digestion is a problem. Improves digestion by increasing bile secretion.
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