
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Sweet Potato Crisps

Sweet Potato Crisps
  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • Easy
  • Serves 4
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Easy
  • Serves 4
Sweet Potato Crisps

Amazing and simple snack. This Sweet Potato Crisp recipe is pretty much the easiest and tastiest snack for any weeknight!

Chelsea Brennan


Sweet Potato Crisps

Full of Goodness

  • A good source of magnesium
  • Packed with vitamins (B6, C & D)
  • Rich in iron & antioxidants

Great for the nervous system, sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium, which is known as the relaxation and anti-stress mineral.

How to make Sweet Potato Crisps

1. Slice your sweet potato wedges into very thin slices (imagine the thickness of chips). I like to wash them before and keep the skin on.

2. Place them in a bowl and mix with olive oil and Herbamare

3. Preheat oven to 350°F.

4. Lay Sweet Potatoes on baking sheet and cook in oven for 25 minutes.

5. You'll want to keep your eye on them and take them out once you feel that they are starting to get crispy. I like mine well done so I left them in for about 40 minutes.

6. Let cool and enjoy!

I hope you give this delicious recipe! And if you do, be sure to tag the picture #AVogelRecipes on Pinterest so we can see :) 

Sweet Potato Crisps

Chelsea Brennan

Chelsea is a health enthusiast and is the Co-Founder of the lifestyle brand Little Life Box. She is always on the lookout for ways to live a healthier life and she has a passion for cooking.

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