
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Quinoa Salad

  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • Easy
  • Serves 2
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Easy
  • Serves 2

This quinoa salad makes a great and nutritious side to any fish dish. It is a tasty and gluten-free alternative to other staples.

Rachel Foyle


Quinoa Salad

Full of Goodness

  • Gluten-free
  • Contains all the essential amino acids
  • Good source of the B vitamins

Quinoa is higher in protein than other grains and cereals. Protein is necessary for tissue growth and repair. Quinoa is also a good source of magnesium, a mineral important for nerve and muscle function.

How to make Quinoa Salad

1. Cook the quinoa, until tender, approximately 15 minutes in the Herbamare® broth.

2. Mix the rest of the ingredients into the quinoa.

3. Serve.

I hope you give this delicious recipe! And if you do, be sure to tag the picture #AVogelRecipes on Pinterest so we can see :) 

Quinoa Salad

Rachel Foyle

Rachel is an avid cook who has a passion for creating healthy meals and treats for her friends and family to enjoy and now you can enjoy them too.

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