
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Quick & Easy Veggie Omelet (Vegetarian & Guilt-free)

Veggie Packed Omelet
  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • Easy
  • 1
  • Prep: 10 min
  • Easy
  • 1
Veggie Packed Omelet

Super healthy and easy to make, this omelet is packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and fibre—perfect for fuelling you up for the day ahead and keeping you full until lunch!

Eileen Durward


Quick & Easy Veggie Omelet

  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ¼ green pepper cut into small chunks
  • 3-4 mushrooms, quartered
  • 3-4 cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters (or other vegetables of your choice)
  • 30g feta cheese, crumbled
  • Sprinkling of Herbamare®

Full of Goodness

  • Rich in protein
  • Source of fibre
  • Low in carbohydrates
  • Rich in healthy fats
  • Source of vitamins C & D

Having eggs for breakfast ensures that your day starts off with a source of good-quality protein, which is essential for the body’s self-repair mechanisms and helps regulate blood sugar levels. Fibre from the vegetables helps support your digestive system, and vitamin D is crucial in helping maintain bone health.

How to make this Quick & Easy Veggie Omelet

1. Heat the olive oil in a pan and sauté the green pepper and mushrooms for 5 minutes.

2. Beat the eggs, add the water, season with Herbamare® and add to the pan. Allow the egg to set and cook around the vegetables, which should take around 2–3 minutes.

3. Sprinkle with the feta cheese and cherry tomatoes. Serve and enjoy.

I hope you give this delicious recipe! And if you do, be sure to tag the picture #AVogelRecipes on Pinterest so we can see :) 

Veggie Packed Omelet

Eileen Durward

Hello lovely ladies, my name is Eileen and I have worked in the Education Department at A.Vogel for over 20 years now, lecturing and advising on many health concerns via the Helpline with a special focus on the menopause and its dreaded symptoms. After my own experience my aim is to help as many menopausal women as I possibly can through my advice, video blogs and recipes.

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