
Healthy & delicious recipes from A.Vogel

Courgette & eggplant with Chickpea Puree

  • Preparation:  min
    Time:  min
  • Medium
  • Serves 4
  • Prep: 30 min
  • Medium
  • Serves 4

I love grilled vegetables! Grilling your veg is so easy and makes them even tastier. The chickpea puree can be used as a dip by adding less of the cooking water so you can also enjoy it with crackers, carrots and celery.

rachel Foyle


Courgette & Eggplant with Chickpea Puree

  • 90g dried chickpeas
  • ¼ tsp caraway seeds
  • ½ clove garlic, crushed
  • Pinch of saffron powder
  • ½ tbsp Herbamare® Vegetable Broth
  • 1tbsp olive oil
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 small courgette, cut into 1cm thick pieces
  • 1 small eggplant, cut into 1cm thick pieces
  • 2 sweet peppers, sliced
  • Herbamare® Original seasoning salt
  • A few sprigs of fresh parsley to garnish

Full of Goodness

  • Very rich in vitamin A
  • High in vitamin C
  • Good source of fibre

Rich in vitamin A, courgettes can help improve your eyesight, help keep your skin healthy and due to their vitamin C content can also help to fight off infections such as colds & flu by boosting your immune system.

How to make Courgette & Eggplant with Chickpea Puree

1. Soak the chickpeas and caraway in ½ litre of cold water overnight.

2. Cook the chickpeas in the soaking water, covered, for 90mins until soft. Drain, but retain the water.

3. Puree the chickpeas together with caraway, garlic, saffron, Herbamare® Bouillon and 150ml of the cooking water. Add more water to achieve correct consistency. Work in the oil, a drop at a time.

4. Sprinkle the courgette, eggplant and sweet pepper pieces liberally with Herbamare® Original seasoning salt and leave to rest for 30mins.

5. Rinse the vegetables in cold water and pat dry. Brush both sides with a little olive oil.

6. Cook the vegetables briefly under the grill on both sides until they start to colour.

7. Serve the vegetables with the puree and parsley. Sprinkle with pepper.


The eggplant, courgette and sweet pepper slices can also be cooked on greaseproof paper at 200°C for 25 minutes.

I hope you give this delicious recipe! And if you do, be sure to tag the picture #AVogelRecipes on Pinterest so we can see :) 

Courgette & eggplant with Chickpea Puree

rachel Foyle

Rachel is an avid cook who has a passion for creating healthy meals and treats for her friends and family to enjoy and now you can enjoy them too.

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