Dr. Owen Wiseman

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Increase resistance

What is immunological resistance?

The immune system is one of the most important pillars of our health. Apart from the nervous system, the immune system can be considered one of the most complex networks in the body as it coordinates with the cardiovascular system.

Each person develops an individualized natural resistance or defense against germs. Our immune defense wards off bacteria and viruses that penetrate our body to stop them from making us sick.

Therefore, strong resistance is not only vital to prevent cold and flu, but also to prevent any other viral or bacterial illnesses.

A.Vogel Echinaforce Tablets - Immune System Support 120 Tabs

    • A.Vogel Echinaforce Tablets are made from fresh, organically grown echinacea, which is 10 times more effective compared to dried herb
    • Clinically proven to strengthens the immune system to protect against cold and flu viruses
    • Can be taken long term. 
    • Safe to take daily up to 4 months to prevent colds and flu including pregnant and breastfeeding women
    • Support the immune system in times of stress, lack of sleep and for smokers.
    • Sugar and gluten free
    • Cruelty-free
    • Ages 2+

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