Dr. Owen Wiseman

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I have the flu and I am bored... 8 anti-boredom tips if you have the flu

If you really have the flu, your day is mostly filled with sleeping, hanging out on the sofa as you binge another series, and a bit of eating and drinking if you can manage the task. While this may sound restful for the first day or two, the mind quickly spirals into sheer, absolute boredom as you attempt to keep yourself occupied. To help you through your illness, here are eight tips to battle boredom. Although we can't overstate how important a proper amount of rest is for recovering from the flu. It also isn't a bad idea to take your time. If light and noise are still too unpleasant, it is absolutely okay to stay in bed with the curtains drawn.

Owen, your A.Vogel Cold & Flu Coach

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