A.Vogel emphasizes the highest quality standards through superior manufacturing processes and internal controls. The result is a line of products that are completely natural, pure, consistent and effective.
Herbal remedies will naturally play a major role in the future of medicine. And wherever you see the A.Vogel symbol, you can rest assured that the quality goes back to our roots.
These figures surprise even insiders: A.Vogel fresh plant remedies undergo more than 100 quality tests before they can stand on the shelf as finished products.
The A.Vogel brand takes quality very seriously because our quality is the foundation for the high therapeutic efficacy of our remedies. Learn more about the A.Vogel's 100 steps for quality.
A great number of medicinal plants derive their curative effects not from a single active principle (a monosubstance), but from the combined effect of all their active principles.
We know this holistic principle called “synergy” as a law of nature: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, the total extract of a medicinal plant provides the patient’s body with an integral complex of substances created through the application of the same laws of nature (holistic equilibrium) to which humans themselves are subject.
Inspiration for a healthy life!