Our brand


Love of nature and belief in its healing powers have always been at the heart of the work of the pioneer of natural health Alfred Vogel (1902-1996). This means certified organic produce and sustainable use of natural resources.

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The company’s current services, Remedies, Food and Information, are based on one of the core principles of Alfred Vogel: health requires a holistic approach. A balanced lifestyle, a healthy diet and natural healing products play key roles in maintaining and restoring health.

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Help people help themselves

Alfred Vogel had a true gift and desire for passing on knowledge. With a magazine, many successful health books and talks all over the world, he helped to promote a better understanding of illnesses and how to heal them naturally. A.Vogel now provides information in a variety of ways, including an online health portal, a monthly newsletter and presence on social media.

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Fresh plants

Even at the start of his career, Alfred Vogel made his preparations from freshly picked plants. The extra effort put into using fresh produce is what still distinguishes A.Vogel from its competitors today.

Alfred Vogel's secret


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Fascination is a feature of A.Vogel. One of Alfred Vogel’s unique talents was his ability to convey his enthusiasm to others. Those who knew him personally were fascinated by the personality of this pioneer of natural health. Whether in talks or when advising patients, his charisma always shone through.

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Healthy & nutritious dinner ideas



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