What are the signs of a strong immune system?

Immune Health

Dr. Owen Wiseman, ND

07 April 2021

What are the signs of a strong immune system?

As we continue on through a global pandemic and approach World Health Day 2021, immunity is still very much top of mind. Here I run through 6 signs of a strong immune system, including:
1. You are following a healthy diet
2. You have good gut health
3. You like to drink water
4. You recover well from colds and flu
5. You sleep soundly
6. You're up for a laugh!
Let's explore this checklist in more detail and offer up some tips if you feel your immune system needs a bit of support.

1. You are following a healthy diet

If you're consistently eating well, then you can almost guarantee that your immune system is reaping the benefits. However, what constitutes as healthy? Unfortunately, there are a number of different 'versions' of healthy out there, some that perhaps don't always meet a nutritionist's seal of approval!
When it comes to a diet for supporting the immune system, some things to remember as follows:

  • Ensure you are eating the rainbow! Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables including lots of leafy greens, broccoli, bell peppers, sweet potatoes, carrots, citrus fruit and berries. These options are particularly rich in both vitamins A & C, which your immune system will thank you for.
  • Next, vitamin D is important too. This nutrient is perhaps less readily available in foods so you really need to be eating a varied diet including oily fish, eggs and mushrooms, to help hit the mark and ensure you benefit from vitamin D's protective, immune-modulating properties.1
  • Limit your consumption of pro-inflammatory food options including high amounts of sugar, omega-6 dense vegetable oils, caffeine or alcohol.

Need a helping hand?

If you're keen to improve your diet in the right ways, but can't face going to extremes, then these tips are perfect for helping you to make some positive changes:

  • Try to work a couple of different fresh fruit or vegetable ingredients into each meal. This will help gradually build up your count throughout the course of the day. Plus, no food waste allowed! If there are some lonely looking veggies in your fridge towards the end of the week, ensure you experiment and work those into your next meal.
  • Getting sufficient vitamin D through your diet is arguably no mean feat, so don't worry, there are other ways! To ensure you're getting enough to support your immunity, try taking a supplement as per government advice. 1,000 IU is a typical dose.
  • The best way to ensure you're eating well is to cook from scratch. This way you don't need to worry about too many hidden ingredients, including sugar, bad fats or additives, which could drive inflammatory processes in the body. So, cut down on packets and try cooking your own versions of some of your favourite meals.

2. You have good gut heath!

As is inevitable in many of my blogs, it's time to turn your attention back to your digestion. Did you know that up to 80% of your immune system is thought to reside in your gut? Therefore, it makes sense that a healthy digestive system is indicative of healthy immune functions. Crucially, research has shown that a wider spectrum of good gut bacteria is a sure sign of healthier immune responses. 2

Need a helping hand?

So, how can you tell if you have a wide range of good gut bacteria? The key is consuming variety. Try mixing in different foods to learn what you can and can't tolerate!
Some fresh foods that act as prebiotics include bananas, chicory, apples, artichokes, leeks and asparagus; all of which will help to keep your gut happy; whilst good quality fermented foods such as sauerkraut should be added sparingly too.

3. You like to drink water

Could drinking water regularly be linked to strong immunity? Now, although this idea isn't fail-safe, here are a few reasons why drinking between 1.5-2L of water daily could actually help put you in good stead for fighting off bugs in the near future:

  • Keeping properly hydrated helps encourage good circulation. Good circulation and healthy lymphatic drainage ensure that our immune cells can get where they need to be, and fast. Plus, it helps to make sure that any pathogens are dealt with appropriately.3
  • Good circulation can help support healthy healing processes. Slow healing wounds could be a sign of compromised immune system but this can also be linked to poor circulation. Drinking plenty will help support both areas.
  • Water keeps your skin healthy too – hydration from within. Your skin is your biggest organ and one of the first barriers bugs often come up against. You need to stay properly hydrated in order to help keep your skin suitably healthy; any breaks or compromises in the structure of your skin could offer opportunist bugs an easy access point!
    Really interestingly, your skin reacting to certain stimuli, for example, insect bites, is actually one of many signs that your immune system is working well. However, skin conditions such as eczema could indicate that your immune system is actually over-active, and you may need some help to rebalance.

Need a helping hand?

When it comes to water intake, my tip is to aim for gradual intake. Don't guzzle too much around meal times or at the end of the day if you've forgotten, but try to keep a favourite glass or bottle more visible throughout the course of the day so you can be reminded to get sipping. Remember too, that teas and coffees don't count!

4. You recover well from colds and flu

Signs of a strong immune system can include eating a varied diet, drinking enough water and sleeping well. However, whilst many might assume that falling ill isn't a sure sign of strong immunity, how well you recover after being ill can be a better indicator of how well your immune system is working.

Whilst your immune system is designed to help prevent the invasion of bugs, every now and again one might make its way in. This could mean you succumb to the symptoms of an unwelcome cold or flu infection. This is quite common though, so don't fret. However, most of us should hope to starting feeling better after a few days.
If your symptoms are lasting a lot longer, over a week or two, then it could suggest that your immune system is struggling.

Need a helping hand?

If you're frequently ill, or struggle to get over infections once you're struck down, then it's possible that your immune system could need some support.
Whilst the advice throughout this blog is a good place to start, an herbal remedy such as Echinaforce may also be a useful addition to your regime.

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Echinaforce echinacea is licensed to help fight the symptoms of cold and flu, and can also help to support the immune system by increasing your resistance to infection. Please note that if you have a current infection and your symptoms last longer than 10 days whilst taking echinacea, you should stop taking it and visit your healthcare provider for advice.
If your primary care provider has any real concerns, they can run different tests to look at your immune system more closely, for example, looking for the presence of certain antibodies against infection.

5. You sleep soundly

Are you asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow? Sleeping well is arguably one of the best pieces of advice I can give you if you're keen to help improve your immune functions and overall health. Sleeping well, plus at the right times (this means going to bed at a reasonable hour) can have a strong regulatory influence over your immune system.4 This down-time permits your immune system to repair and recuperate, whilst there are fewer demands around the body.

Conversely, sleeping soundly can also be a good indicator that things are working as they should. Whilst the immune system is operating during the night, there is the release of certain immune cells called cytokines. Some of these cytokines are thought to be 'sleep promoting' and can actually help to encourage more regular sleeping patterns.5

Need a helping hand?

If you are worried that poor sleep could be hindering your health, then we're here to help. Keeping a notepad by your bed to help empty your mind of thoughts before retiring for the night is a favourite tip of mine or, if you aren't on any sleep medications, an herbal helper such as Deep Sleep could also be an option.

Deep Sleep contains a combination of two herbal ingredients, Valerian and Hops, which, when taken 30 minutes before bed, can help support sounder sleep.

6. You're up for a laugh

Did you know that your mood could also be having an influence on your immune functions? Being lonely, for one, makes us less likely to respond well to stress, which can heighten inflammatory processes and impact the immune system.6
In contrast to this, laughter may be decidedly helpful. Laughing has been shown in research to have positive, immune-enhancing effects, partly down to the stress-relieving capabilities of having fun and a good laugh – enjoy!7,8

Need a helping hand?

Adopting a more positive mindset could be a useful first step in helping to support your health.
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3166406/
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3337124/
3. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00428-016-1945-6
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3256323/
5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5768894/
6. https://academic.oup.com/abm/article-abstract/53/6/541/5071789
7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2686627/
8. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12652882/


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