Top signs you should be looking for when the liver suffers

Are concerned about your liver health ?


Dr. Owen Wiseman, ND

23 April 2019

When a processing plant shuts down, the entire manufacturing process grinds to a halt. How can larger pieces be broken down into smaller components? How can the machines that need parts produced in this plant function? The largest, and arguably one of the most critical organs in the body known as the liver is the 'processing plant' of the body, involved in the production of many vital components necessary for optimal health. Read on to determine the signs you should be looking for when the liver suffers.

What are the functions of the liver?

  • Production of bile. This important component of digestion in synthesized in the liver from cholesterol before being sent to the gallbladder where it is stored and concentrated. Bile plays a role in emulsifying fats, breaking them into smaller and smaller droplets that can be more easily absorbed by the body in the small intestine. This bile is critical for allowing fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K to enter the body and serve their individual functions, along with their storage in liver tissue.
    • Vitamin A – is critical for eye health and the ability to adapt to changing light conditions, especially trying to see in dim-light. It also serves a role in reproduction, the differentiation of cells, growth, and the expression of certain genes.
    • Vitamin D – functions as a steroid hormone that is involved in maintaining the balance of calcium in the body. This character is also important in the immune system and regulating the maturation of young cells into specific and mature older cells including white blood cells, those of skin, hair, and nails, and a variety of others.
    • Vitamin E – is a potent antioxidant that can help the body fend off the stresses of daily living including exposure to toxic environmental factors such as pollution and the smoke from cigarettes. Vitamin E also balances Vitamin K through its anti-clotting effects. If the body were to clot blood more easily, you might become prone to clots forming around the body which could travel and block vital blood vessels.
    • Vitamin K – plays a role in the clotting of blood and the mineralization of bones. Without enough, the blood will be thin and a small injury could quickly turn deadly because the body's ability to halt the bleeding is impaired. Imagine a small leak in a hydroelectric dam, easily patched and doesn't cause too much concern. If the engineers lack the materials to plug the hole however and given enough time, that small leak could cause the lake to drain.
  • Processing of blood. When nutrients and beneficial substances are absorbed by the body through the intestinal tract, this blood then passes through the liver. Some of the blood is processed before being sent back into the systemic circulation to nourish all other tissues. This processing involves coordinating with the spleen to recycle red blood cells into their basic components including iron and hemoglobin which can then be recycled and utilized by new red blood cells.
  • Break down of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

What are the most common liver diseases?

According to the Canadian Liver Foundation, a variety of liver diseases afflict Canadians and account for over 5,000 deaths per year with approximately 400 transplants. The most common of these is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which is thought to affect more than 25% of the population. As fat accumulates in the liver due to obesity or diabetes, it becomes rather difficult for the organ to function and could push you into liver failure. Other conditions include:

  • alcoholic liver disease where the organ is damaged due to the strain of processing ethanol
  • viral hepatitis where the virus targets the organ, causing inflammation and damage, especially in those affected for an extended period of time
  • hepatocellular carcinoma is, as one might guess from the name, cancer of the liver. It is also the most common reason for death in those with cirrhosis of the liver which causes scarring on the tissue.

What are the signs and symptoms of liver disease?

When the bile is not processed as it should be, it can be released into circulation and ends up being deposited in tissues. These tissues begin to take on a yellowish hue known as jaundice and is especially prevalent in the skin or the whites of the eyes. The issues with bile have an impact on how fat is processed in the body, and therefore, you may notice more in your stool where they take on an oily appearance and may be more pale or yellow in colour. You may notice your skin becomes swollen, your urine darker, you feel tired, and impacts of vitamin deficiencies start to show such as easy bruising due to impaired vitamin K absorption.

Caput medusae, Latin for, "head of Medusa", is where the blood vessels of the abdomen become so engorged with blood, backed up due to pathologies of the liver, that they become visible on the abdomen. While a very concerning sign on its own, one of the biggest red flags is known as hematemesis where the affected individual begins to vomit fresh blood as bleeding in the esophagus forms, typically associated with severe alcohol abuse and chronic hepatitis.

What can be done to prevent liver disease?

Abstaining from alcohol or at least minimizing it can do wonders for your liver health. When alcohol is metabolized in the liver, one of the by-products is a molecule called acetaldehyde which is highly toxic to the body, even in small amounts. With everything going on in life, individuals may not be aware of how many drinks they're actually consuming, so keeping a log and writing down when you have a drink may help you notice patterns or realize that your habit isn't really just 'one or two a week'.

Looking after your weight can dramatically impact your risk of NAFLD by reducing the strain on the liver due to the build-up of fatty tissue. In this case, all of the typical advice of eating well, exercising more, and spending time away from screens applies.

While these are some preventative measures, is there anything that may help my symptoms?

Boldocynara is a complex of four plants - artichoke, milk thistle, boldo, and dandelion:

  • Milk thistle has been shown to be a potent liver protector, the responsibilities of which as discussed, include metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, activation of certain enzymes, and other critical functions.
  • Artichoke has been shown to improve how well the body tolerates glucose, a simple sugar responsible for nourishing many of the cells throughout the body.
  • Boldo has traditionally been used for complaints of the gastrointestinal tract and helps digestion by inducing bile secretion from the gallbladder.
  • Finally, dandelion intake showed a decrease in 'bad' fats present throughout the body as well as increasing 'good' fats. Taken together in a mix like Boldocynara is an easy way to achieve these powerful benefits.



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