Top 5 ways to curb menopause hot flashes naturally

Survive menopause naturally. Tips to effectively treat hot flashes using herbal remedies and simple lifestyle changes.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Sonia Chartier

15 March 2014

Survive Menopause Naturally

During menopause it's not unusual to hear a woman complain that she feels drenched in sweat or that she's in desperate need of a cold shower.
With the transition into menopause, a woman's menstrual periods begin to destabilize and shift towards a pattern of eventual decline. Hormonal fluctuations present at this time, can result in menopausal symptoms ranging from hot flashes to night sweats. Many women describe the surge of internal heat as "a fireball burning from within." This experience can last for quite some time and these flashes can be quite intense.
Fortunately, these awkward symptoms do not persist for too long. Women are often embarrassed if it happens in company, as it is a visible sign of getting older. Sometimes women live in dread of hot flashes, in which case they may be inviting trouble as the body sometimes reacts to one's thoughts.

Natural vs Synthetic Treatments

Some women choose to take an estrogen supplement such as HRT to bring the problem under control quickly, but the bad news is that the hot flashes will return with more severity as soon as that drug is discontinued.
On the plus side there are risk free alternatives available that can help smooth your transition. Natural supplements combined with simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference.

Top 5 Ways to Curb Hot Flashes

#1 Hydrate
Drink at least 1.5 litres of still plain water daily. Water is the best drink to hydrate the brain!
#2 Diet
If a woman is subject to hot flashes, she should avoid hotly-spiced meals, alcohol and nicotine. Eat more phyto-estrogenic foods such as broccoli, oats and soy beans.
Diet is important and certain forms of medication and the contraceptive pill can be decisive factors in the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.
#3 Control your environment
Keep it cool. It is sensible to choose cooler surroundings and avoid excessive heat.
#4 Reduce stress
A certain area in the brain regulates the body temperature, keeping it within 36 to 37 degrees Celsius and this thermostat in the brain is dependent upon the hormonal balance in the pituitary gland and the ovaries.
Try to avoid stressful and emotional influences and to keep the brain occupied with something worthwhile. Practice breathing techniques or take up yoga or another gentle, meditative exercise that promotes deep relaxation.
#5 Supplement with Sage
Nature has provided us with natural remedy for hot flashes. Sage (Salvia officinalis) is most commonly known as a culinary herb however, it is also rich in essential oils that contribute to its medicinal function. Its estrogenic properties have been shown in clinical trials to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes and night sweats by over 50% and to help regulate hormone imbalances after just a few weeks of use. It is one of the finest remedies for hot flashes.
In its natural habitat, the leaves of Sage will 'perspire'. Just as women get hot and bothered during the menopause, so too does this plant gets hot and bothered in the full sun.
The little specks of perspiration almost shout out the message that it is nature's gift to enable us to counteract hot flashes.

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