From Darkest Winter to Sunny Skies

How A.Vogel is helping refresh your home

Allergies | Essential Oils

Dr. Owen Wiseman, ND

13 April 2023

Allergies are a common concern for many people, especially during spring when pollen levels are high. However, spring cleaning can help to control allergies by removing allergens from our homes. One of the most effective ways to reduce allergens is by regularly vacuuming carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces.

Research shows that vacuuming and dry steam cleaning both led to massive reductions in dust mite concentration on furniture and bedding. However, after four weeks, allergen levels were back to the same level as before the cleaning.1,2

Tip #1: Vacuum furniture and bedding, at minimum, once a month


Another aspect to consider is humidity levels in the home and their impact on allergies and immunity. Levels that creep up over 60% create a moist environment that helps mould species reproduce.3 Managing the humidity in your home is a great way to limit mould spores and manage those types of common allergies. This includes quickly cleaning those water spills and sticky messes that our little ones leave behind. Water will saturate our walls and floors and create the perfect breeding ground for harmful black mould.

Tip #2: Keep humidity levels between 40 and 60%


For those who suffer from allergies, A.Vogel's Allergy Relief may also be beneficial. This natural product can help to alleviate symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, and watery eyes. By using natural remedies, you can avoid the side effects related with many over-the-counter allergy medications such as the rebound nasal symptoms associated with ingredients like benzalkonium chloride.4

Spring cleaning isn’t just about our home environment either. This time of renewal includes turning our attention inwards to our natural detox organs like the liver, digestive tract and kidneys. These organs work tirelessly to remove toxins from our blood, quickly eliminate pathogens, and help manage proteins and electrolytes.5

An A.Vogel product that can be helpful during spring cleaning is Boldocynara or Digestive Aid Complex. These natural remedies can help to support healthy liver function. A healthy liver can even help eliminate allergens from the body, reducing the overall burden on the immune system.

Tip #3: Use natural remedies to support detoxification


Aromaforce is another line of products that can be useful during spring cleaning. This line of undiluted essential oils includes a variety of scents that can help to freshen up your home and promote relaxation. In addition to using essential oils in a diffuser, there are also a number of cleaning recipes that incorporate essential oils.

Lemon Peppermint All-Purpose Cleaner

  • One simple recipe is to mix equal parts white vinegar and water, and then add a few drops of your favourite essential oil. This mixture can be used to clean countertops, floors, and other surfaces. Lemon and peppermint essential oils are particularly good choices for cleaning, as they have natural antimicrobial properties.

Natural Air Freshener

  • Another recipe is to mix baking soda and essential oil to create a natural air freshener. Simply sprinkle the mixture on carpets, furniture, or other surfaces, and then vacuum up after 30 minutes. Lavender and eucalyptus essential oils are great choices for this recipe, as they can help to promote relaxation and clear the sinuses.

In addition to reducing allergies and promoting relaxation, there are several other benefits to keeping your house clean. For example, a clean home can help to reduce stress and anxiety, as clutter and mess can create a sense of overwhelm. Physical clutter has been linked to an added cognitive burden, especially in the elderly.

A study showed that tidying up the home of our aging family helps improve life satisfaction and levels of stress.A clean home can also improve sleep quality, as a tidy bedroom can promote relaxation and restful sleep. Early links between clutter, hoarding behaviours and sleep quality have been explored with one study showing those suffering from Hoarding Disorder reported greater insomnia symptoms and poorer sleep quality.7

In conclusion, spring cleaning can be a great way to refresh your home and improve your health and well-being. By using natural products and essential oils from Aromaforce, you can make your cleaning experience more enjoyable and effective. Whether you suffer from allergies or simply want to promote relaxation and reduce stress, A.Vogel has a range of products that can help you achieve your goals.

So why not embrace the spirit of spring and give your home a little TLC?

Your body and mind will thank you for it.


  1. Vojta, Patrick J., et al. "Effects of physical interventions on house dust mite allergen levels in carpet, bed, and upholstery dust in low-income, urban homes." Environmental Health Perspectives8 (2001): 815-819.
  2. Woodcock, Ashley, and Adnan Custovic. "ABC of allergies: Avoiding exposure to indoor allergens." Bmj7137 (1998): 1075.
  3. Small, Peter, Paul K. Keith, and Harold Kim. "Allergic rhinitis." Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology2 (2018): 1-11.
  4. Graf, Peter. "Adverse effects of benzalkonium chloride on the nasal mucosa: allergic rhinitis and rhinitis medicamentosa." Clinical therapeutics10 (1999): 1749-1755.
  5. Hodges, Romilly E., and Deanna M. Minich. "Modulation of metabolic detoxification pathways using foods and food-derived components: a scientific review with clinical application." Journal of nutrition and metabolism2015 (2015).
  6. Sorrell, Jeanne M. "Tidying Up: Good for the Aging Brain." Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services4 (2020): 16-18.
  7. Mahnke, Amanda R., et al. "Examining subjective sleep quality in adults with hoarding disorder." Journal of psychiatric research137 (2021): 597-602.

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