Feel & perform your best with Prostate 1: A Holistic Approach to Men’s Health

For many men, the natural aging process sparks concerns that extend beyond general well-being, touching upon sensitive subjects like prostate health, erectile function, and preventing grey hairs and balding.

Men's Health

Dr. Owen Wiseman, ND

07 July 2024

Understanding the Prostate Health Challenge

Let’s picture John, a 58-year-old accountant, who started noticing frequent trips to the bathroom interrupting his sleep and work. On some online health forum, he read about Prostate 1 and decided to give it a try. Within a few weeks, John noticed he was getting through meetings and sleeping through the night without interruptions. Gone were the nights of waking up to pee, and his spouse wasn’t complaining about some of the added benefits either!

As men age, the prostate gland can begin to enlarge, a condition medically known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This enlargement often leads to discomfort and disruption in daily life, manifesting as frequent urination, needing to pee at night, and a feeling of urgency. These symptoms can significantly impact the quality of life, causing sleep interruptions and anxiety about travel or long meetings.

How Does It work?

Prostate 1 addresses these issues head-on by acting as a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor. The 5 alpha-reductase enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent hormone that contributes to prostate growth and the worsening of urinary symptoms.1 By inhibiting this enzyme, saw palmetto effectively reduces DHT levels,2 thus preventing the prostate from enlarging and reducing the pressure on the urethra. This action helps to restore normal urinary function, allowing men to enjoy a more comfortable and uninterrupted daily routine.3

Think of a busy highway tunnel that has begun to narrow due to construction work on its walls. As the walls encroach, traffic becomes slow and congested, leading to delays. In this analogy, the highway tunnel is the urethra, the construction is the enlarging prostate, and the traffic represents the flow of urine. Prostate 1 acts like a restriction on the construction work,

preventing the walls from encroaching too much. This keeps the tunnel wide enough for traffic to flow freely, reducing congestion and minimizing delays.

A recent 2022 review of the research to date even led the authors to confidently state, “Based on the reviewed evidence, the panel recommends that [saw palmetto extract] should be considered as a treatment option for men with mild-to-moderate BPH/[lower urinary tract symptoms] as an alternative to watchful waiting.”4

The Dual Benefit: Hair Preservation

Interestingly, the mechanism that makes Prostate1 effective for managing prostate health also offers a possible advantage for hair preservation.5 DHT is not only a contributor to prostate growth but is also the main culprit behind male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). The conversion of testosterone to DHT in the scalp thins the hair follicles over time, leading to hair loss.

Prostate 1’s role as a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor means it may also reduce DHT production in the scalp. This reduction could slow hair thinning, giving men a fuller, healthier head of hair. This dual action not only improves physical health but also boosts self-esteem and body image.

A Closer Look at Prostate 1’s Ingredients and Efficacy

Prostate 1 is not just effective; it’s also natural.

Made from the extract of the fruit of Serenoa repens, it contains no chemical additives, meaning users experience no unwanted side effects. Each capsule delivers a therapeutic dose equivalent to 2280 – 3840 mg of fresh berries, ensuring efficacy with a minimum of 85% fatty acids—key to reducing DHT levels effectively.

Studies also support Prostate 1’s impressive performance. Clinical trials have shown significant improvements in urinary symptoms and sexual function, with a reduction in nighttime urination and an increase in sexual drive reported among users.6,7 Moreover, the natural ingredients support overall health without the risks of surgery, which can have more noticeable side effects.

Living Better with Prostate 1

Men looking for a natural, effective way to manage both prostate health and hair loss will find Prostate 1 to be an excellent choice. It’s easy to integrate into daily life—just one capsule a day—and offers a non-invasive solution to a few of the most common concerns among aging men.


1. Liu, Meng, et al. "The Therapeutic Potential of Saw Palmetto Extract in Urological Disorders." Natural Product Communications 16.11 (2021): 1934578X211059635.

2. Sudeep, H. V., Jestin V. Thomas, and K. Shyamprasad. "A double blind, placebo-controlled randomized comparative study on the efficacy of phytosterol-enriched and conventional saw palmetto oil in mitigating benign prostate hyperplasia and androgen deficiency." BMC Urology 20.1 (2020): 86.

3. Iglesias‐Gato, Diego, et al. "Androgen‐independent Effects of Serenoa repens Extract (Prostasan®) on Prostatic Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Inflammation." Phytotherapy Research 26.2 (2012): 259-264.

4. Nickel, J. Curtis, et al. "Rethinking the role of saw palmetto extract for men with lower urinary tract symptoms in North America." Uro 2.3 (2022): 137-150.

5. Evron, Evyatar, et al. "Natural hair supplement: friend or foe? Saw palmetto, a systematic review in alopecia." Skin Appendage Disorders 6.6 (2020): 329-337.

6. Suter, Andreas, et al. "Improving BPH symptoms and sexual dysfunctions with a saw palmetto preparation? Results from a pilot trial." Phytotherapy Research 27.2 (2013): 218-226.

7. Degenring, Friedrich H. "Prostasan in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)." Schweiz. Zschr. GanzheitsMedizin. (1996)

A.Vogel Prostate 1 - Saw Palmetto Capsules

A.Vogel Porstate 1 prevents and treats Benign Prostatic Hyerplasia (enlarged prostate) symptoms such as frequent and urgent urination, low sex drive, erectile and ejaculatory function

  • Capsules made from organically grown Saw palmetto berries
  • Only one capsule daily
  • Clinically proven
  • Lactose and gluten-free


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