15 signs of sluggish liver function

It’s not always what you think!

Digestion | Healthy Ageing

Sonia Chartier

02 March 2015

Do you ever wake up around 2 am for no reason?  Or are you ever moody and feeling like your skin is dry and irritated?  Does your big right toe ever bother you?  If so, it may be your liver talking to you; there is a multitude of seemingly unrelated symptoms that are all linked to a sluggish liver.

Working closely with naturopaths, I get to hear a lot of patient success stories. Sometimes the solution to their problems is not what you would expect at first. There is this case that I remember well of a young man with severe vertigo attacks. A variety of solutions had failed to bring lasting relief. His life was severely affected by these attacks, which took longer and longer to resolve.

During consultation, as he sat down, the naturopath noticed that he held onto the right side of his head to ease the discomfort. Upon questioning, he revealed that he loved to eat, drink and party!

15 signs of sluggish liver function

With the kidneys, the liver is a key filter of our body.  When its function is sluggish, it makes us notice something is wrong…but it’s not always obvious.  Here is a list of symptoms that may occur:

  1. Wake up at 2am – 3am for no reason
  2. Moodiness
  3. Exhaustion
  4. Vertigo
  5. Elevated cholesterol levels
  6. Weak resistance to disease
  7. Dry itchy skin
  8. Pain predominantly on right side of head
  9. Red, itchy eyes
  10. Bitter taste in mouth
  11. Excessive thirst
  12. Poor digestion, nausea
  13. Constipation, hemorrhoids
  14. Irritable bowel syndrome
  15. Unexplained pain in right side of body: In shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, big toe

To get back to my story of the young men with vertigo, he half-heartedly agreed to adopt an alcohol-free, vegetable-rich lifestyle for six weeks. The transformation of this man was remarkable.

He lost kilos of unattractive weight, his tongue cleared to a healthy pink, which also led to sweeter smelling breath, in no time at all. The vertigo disappeared and he felt well for the first time in years.

What was the cause of his problems?

Right-sided symptoms indicate a liver and gall bladder, which were not at ease. A.Vogel Boldocynara liver-cleanse formula, a decent selection of fresh foods and no alcohol, made the difference. Sad to say, I heard that he persistently goes back to his old habits, which make him sick and miserable time and again. Strange but true…At least, he now knows that it is his lifestyle that makes him feel awful!

Why did the naturopath recommend Boldocynara?

Because these liver digestion drops are made from fresh, organically grown herbs. The main ingredient is artichoke. This plant has a deep-acting effect, resulting in the release of bile from the liver and the gall bladder. This relieves congestion, which allows the liver to function better. Artichoke also controls and improves cholesterol production, which originates in the liver. Boldo, Dandelion and Mint are added to the formula to aid the typical symptoms of poor digestion: flatulence, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, irritable bowel symptoms and cramps.

Alfred Vogel, the famous Swiss naturopath who put together the Boldocynara formula, was immensely satisfied with its efficacy as a liver tonic. Most of his patients were given Boldocynara to aid in their recovery from the list of illnesses caused by a sluggish or overburdened liver. Vogel always insisted that people on chronic medication should ensure that their liver, as the body’s main filtering system, should receive the support they need by using Boldocynara. It can also be used to cleanse the liver of toxins, three or four times a year, for six weeks at a time.


Choices have consequences.  Lifestyle does affect your health and not always with obvious symptoms. It is important to listen when our body is sending us messages.  Sometimes even little changes in our diet can make a huge difference to improve our quality of life.

A.Vogel Boldocynara®
Digestion - Liver Cleanse

A.Vogel Boldocynara®  Digestion - Liver Cleanse


This liver cleanse formula is a combination of Artichoke, Milk thistle, Boldo and Dandelion. A.Vogel …
More info

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